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Fakultät Bio- und Chemieingenieurwesen

Successfully Completed Student Projects

student projects WiSe2023/24

Congratulations to the students T. Gebbeken, F. Lerche, M. Pophusen, D. Rhaoulia and J. Xu for the prize for the best poster of the course PEP (project work introduction to chemical engineering) WiSe23/24!

With excellent teamwork and under the supervision of Dr. Nikolas Vellnow, they convincingly presented the topic "Aquaponics, Urban Farming and the Nitrogen Cycle".

At this point, congratulations to the other two student teams, which were supervised by Dr. Justin Wilcox and Dr. Quentin Foucault from the CSB working group! They presented interesting posters on the topics "Haber-Bosch or lupins? - Nitrogen in the Field" and "Cultivated Meat: Gastronomic Evolution Unleashed" at the PEP.